
UPDATED: From the Greek [εὐφωνία] [eu-] meaning "good" and [phone/phonos] meaning "sound or voice". The term [euphonic] means "sounds good".

This is useful when combining root terms where the proximal to distal order of root terms does not apply. An example is the removal of the Fallopian tubes and ovaries. Since there is no true attachment, or flow of fluids between these structures, the words [salpingooophorectomy] and [oophorosalpingectomy] are both correct, but one of them is easier to pronounce and articulate, or euphonictherefore that is the one we use: [salpingooophorectomy].

Note: Since the two root terms [-salping-] (Fallopian or uterine tube) and [-oophor-] (ovary) are connected with an [-o-] (meaning "and") per the rules used for combining root terms, the use of a hyphen to connect these terms is redundant and incorrect!

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