Viscus / Viscera / Visceral

Lymphatics of the stomach. Public domain
Lymphatics of the stomach

UPDATED: The Latin word [viscus] refers to an "internal organ". A better definition is that a [viscus] is a "single internal organ contained in a body cavity". Since there are three body cavities: craniospinal, thoracic, and abdominopelvic, each one of the organs in these cavities can be called a [viscus].

The plural form of [viscus] is [viscera]. It is a common mistake to use the plural form instead of the singular form when referring to a viscus. The sentence "the stomach is an abdominal viscera" is wrong. The correct sentence would be "the stomach is an abdominal viscus".

The adjective form [visceral] means "related to", or "pertaining to" a viscus or viscera.

The term [visceral] is also used to denote membranes that are related to a viscus. The [visceral] peritoneum is the portion of the peritoneal membrane that is found away from the abdominal wall and in relation to a viscus or viscera.

Original image courtesy of