
The root term [-mamm-arises from the Latin [mamma] (Pl. mammae), meaning "breast".  The synonymous term [-mast-] arises from the Greek. This prefix is used in medical terms such as:

• Mammal: An animal with breasts or that feeds trough breast milk

• Mammary: Pertaining to the breast

• Mammoplasty: The suffix [-(o)plasty] is used to mean "surgical reshaping". Surgical reshaping of the breast. Can also be referred to as a mastoplasty

• Mammogram: The suffix [-(o)gram] means "to record", or "to write". The results of a breast examination, usually a film obtained with imaging technology

• Mammography: The suffix [-(o)graphy] means "to record", or "to examine". A breast examination, usually with imaging technology

Brainstem. Anteroinferior view
Image property of: CAA.Inc. Photography: Efrain Klein

• Mammillary bodies: Two small, round structures found in the anterior aspect of the mesencephalon (midbrain) between the crura cerebri. See accompanying image. Click on the image for a larger depiction.

• Mammillary processes: Also known as the mammilary tubercles. These are small bony processes found in the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae

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