
The [acromion] is a bony process found at the superolateral end of the spine of the scapula forming the highest point of the shoulder. It is a flattened somewhat triangular bony process that is found superior to the glenoid cavity. The trapezius and deltoid muscles attach to the acromion.

The term [acromion] is formed by two Greek roots; [άκρο] (?kro), meaning “end” or “point”, and [ώμος] (??mos), meaning “shoulder”. The term [acromion] is quite descriptive, as it means the “point of the shoulder.

Anterior view of the left scapula.  Modified from image in Public Domain, by Henry Vandyke Carter - Gray's Anatomy
Anterior view of the left scapula.  Modified from image in Public Domain, by Henry Vandyke Carter - Gray's Anatomy
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