
The prefix [retro-] has a Latin origin and means "posterior", "backwards", or "behind". The main use of this prefix in human anatomy and surgery is "posterior".

Applications of this prefix include:

retroesternal: posterior to the sternum, such as the heart or the internal thoracic vessels
retropharyngeal: posterior to the pharynx, as in the "retropharyngeal space", a potential space found posterior to the pharynx
retroperitoneal: posterior to the peritoneum, referring to abdominal organs found outside and posterior to the peritoneal sac, such as the aorta and kidneys
retrogastric: posterior to the stomach, as in the "retrogastric space", an area also known as the "lesser bursa"
• retroversion: a posterior rotation or turn. Usually refers to the posterior rotation of the uterus or a joint

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